Hispanic Internal Revenue Employees, Inc.

Promoting Career Advancement Through Training and Education
About Us
Mission Statement The mission of the H.I.R.E. organization is to assist the Internal Revenue Service in the recruitment and hiring of Hispanics. H.I.R.E. National will also promote the training, general career advancement and retention of Hispanics and all other employees and will strive to instill the highest degree of self-esteem and confidence in their abilities in an environment free from discriminatory practices. The organization will also assist the Internal Revenue Service in supporting the development and delivery of services that enhance customer service to Hispanic taxpayers.
Vision Statement H.I.R.E. will be an autonomous member driven organization with financial independence and a self sustaining scholarship endowment.
Non-profit Status On September 8, 1994 the Department of the Treasury and the IRS granted Hispanic Internal Revenue Employees, Inc. non-profit status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.